måndag 7 september 2015

First ideation session


Today we have had a ideation workshop within the group. We used the knowledge from our observation at the playground and from the toy store, as well as the observations from other groups discussed at the lecture.

We've decided that our activity wall will be focusing on the little older children at age 3-4 years. We'll try recreate the "lilla sportspegeln" activity when throwing balls in different sized holes. This activity wall should be able for kids to play on them self, as well was compete with their friends.

A first sketch can be found down:
The wall have different sized holes that give the user different points. When the hole is hit, the user get points that is counted on the screen.
The ball is then coming out form bottom, how we don't know right now.

We will continue on this sketch later and check what materials we need.

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